Hollis Belger

Founder of Juggling for Jude Fundraiser

Hollis Belger, a remarkable 19-year-old, is the founder of Juggling For Jude, a fundraiser that aims to raise funds for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital through soccer juggling. Her inspiring journey began when she was just nine years old. During her first summer, her goal was to raise $1,000 by juggling her soccer ball. However, she managed to raise over $33,000 — that was when she knew it was going to be a long-term project. Besides her incredible juggling feats, Hollis is a passionate advocate for youth in philanthropy. Through platforms like her Ted Talk, public speaking engagements at schools, leadership conferences, and St. Jude events, she emphasizes the importance of fostering purpose among adolescents through philanthropic endeavors. To date, Hollis has been able to raise over $700,000, dedicating her time and energy to perfecting her juggling skills while also making a difference in the lives of children battling cancer.

By Juliet Philips

In a world where young people are often stereotyped as self-absorbed and disconnected, Hollis Belger defies the stereotype. At just 18 years old, Hollis has embarked on a mission to combat pediatric cancer through her organization, Juggling for Jude. With her incredible juggling skills, unwavering determination, and compassionate heart, Hollis is inspiring us all.

Hollis's journey started when she discovered her talent for juggling at a young age. It quickly became more than just a hobby; it became a means for her to give back to those in need. She combined her love for juggling with her desire to help children with cancer, and Juggling for Jude was born. Since its inception, Juggling for Jude has gained widespread attention, touching hearts and inspiring countless individuals. Through her juggling performances, Hollis has leveraged her skills to raise funds for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, a leading institution in the treatment and research of childhood cancer. 

Over the years, Hollis has managed to raise over $700,000 to fund life-saving research at St. Jude. Every dollar she raises brings us one step closer to finding cures for childhood cancers and providing hope to families facing the unimaginable. 

What is truly remarkable about Hollis's journey is her ability to inspire others along the way. Her positivity and infectious energy captivate audiences of all ages, galvanizing them to join in her cause. She has created a ripple effect of compassion and activism, encouraging individuals to step up and make a difference, no matter their age or talents.

Hollis's impact extends far beyond fundraising; she has become a beacon of hope for children battling cancer and a symbol of empowerment for young people worldwide. Since beginning her journey, her original project has grown into many different avenues of impact. Hollis’s endeavors have evolved to include being an advocate for youth in philanthropy through public speaking at local schools, cultivating sustainable philanthropic practice amongst youth, and participating in social and educational policy reform. 

When asked what she wishes adults knew about teenagers, Hollis responded, “I wish that adults understood that teenagers and children are capable of more than they think.” 

Hollis also mentions the importance of her support network, shedding light on the pillars that keep her motivated in her journey.

“My biggest supporters, aside from my donors, are my mom, my dad, my sister and my extended family, but my rocks are my friends from St. Jude. They are what drives me day in and day out to do this work,” said Hollis in her interview with Zhive

What truly sets Hollis apart is her unwavering dedication and determination. She has made it her mission to raise as much money as possible to support pediatric cancer research. In addition to these accomplishments, she has always been an advocate for prioritizing oneself in a way that is healthy and balanced. Her advice to all her friends is to take a second to reflect on what you want before making decisions. 

“Always remember to prioritize yourself, because it’s not selfish to do something because it makes you feel good, or to not do something because it would make you feel better if you didn’t,” Hollis shares.

Through Juggling for Jude, Hollis is proving that together, we can juggle through adversity and offer solace to those in need. Her journey showcases the power of combining our passions with philanthropy, reminding us that there is no limit to what we can achieve when we put our hearts and minds to it.

Hollis now sits as an advisory member on the NorCal St. Jude Team to work on engaging the next generation with St Jude’s mission. She is working on how they can bring St. Jude onto social media platforms in an effective way that will expose youth to the life-saving work that is happening at St. Jude.

Hollis is also currently preparing for college life. She still plans on continuing to juggle and being involved with the soccer program at her university, but she also wants to delve further into the philanthropy field. 

“I think as I go to college, I definitely want to expand more in the philanthropic sector and youth and philanthropy in general,” Hollis said, “continuing to do research on the importance of adolescence and purpose and how we can cultivate that in our school curriculums and public school systems.”

In the future, Hollis would also like to help develop philanthropic platforms for large corporations.

To learn more about Juggling for Jude or to contribute to Hollis's mission, you can visit their website at www.jugglingforjude.com. Together, let's continue to support Hollis Belger as she juggles her way toward a brighter future for all children battling cancer.


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