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Not Sure What Else to Celebrate? Here are the Lesser Known Holidays of May and June

By Caroline Stefanak

We all know December as the month of Christmas, October as the month of Halloween, and July for the obvious—the 4th of July. While some dates on the calendar may seem like ordinary days or nothing more than a regular Tuesday, they are, in fact, marked by their own unique holidays that often tend to be hidden from the mainstream spotlight. 

Within May and June lie several exciting holidays—ones you may have never heard about. The months can get overshadowed by bigger holidays, and we can tend to overlook these smaller, less-known events. From super niche celebrations to wacky traditions, here are some new holidays to mark on your calendars!

May Holidays

Star Wars Day: May 4th 

Whether you are a big Star Wars fan and already know of “May the 4th be with you,” or you’re looking for a nerdy tradition to celebrate, look out for the Star Wars posts on May 4th. You can celebrate May the 4th with recipes, games, activities, and more offered straight from Star Wars themselves, or you can head to a theater near you and see the return of The Phantom Menace to the big screen for the 25th anniversary of the film!

Sabers at the Millenium Falcon

Be Kind to Animals Week: May 5th to 11th

This is the very first week of May! If you have your own fuzzy friend or know of any, spoil them in any way you can. During this week, animal shelters across the country hold different special events to raise awareness about the animals in homes and communities, as well as shelters and adoption centers to celebrate the bond between animals and humans. Check out your local shelter for any events or fun activities to celebrate the importance of animals in our lives!

Eat What You Want Day: May 11th

Sounds pretty self-explanatory, but this is the day to treat yourself. This is the perfect opportunity to indulge in a nostalgic childhood meal or try something new for the first time. Whether it’s picking up a sweet treat at your local grocery store or ordering takeout instead of cooking, I hope you all enjoy May 11th and eat whatever you want!

National Bike Week: May 12th to 19th

If you’re looking for an excuse to whip out your old bike or add a new addition to your weekly exercise, the third week of May is the time to do it! The League of American Bicyclists plans events across the country to encourage safer travel by bike. During this week, check out a new local bike trail and ditch the public transportation!

Girl riding a holland bike

National Waiter and Waitresses Day: May 21st

This one goes out to all the food service workers! It’s not easy working in the restaurant or server business, and it is important to recognize the efforts of waiters and waitresses. Check out your local restaurants and businesses to see what events and promotions they may offer to recognize food service workers! If there is any day to tip a little extra on the bill, May 21st is that day!

Water a Flower Day: May 30th

The perfect excuse to plant a new garden or maybe just one or two new leafy additions! May 30th is Water a Flower Day, the perfect time to celebrate the plants around us and prepare for the upcoming summer! Stop by any of your local gardening stores and pick up a new plant, or buy a bouquet of flowers for yourself or someone special in your life! For a fun DIY craft, pick up some plain glass vases for your flowers and dedicate a girl’s night to painting them, along with snacks, a good movie, and some food!

June Holidays

National Hug Your Cat Day: June 4th

For all the cat lovers out there, this one is for you! June 4th is National Hug Your Cat Day, the perfect way to appreciate your furry little friend! If you don’t have a cat, check out a local shelter! You can be sure that all cats get the love and appreciation they need, not just on June 4th, but every day! Volunteering at animal shelters is so important and you can sign up easily as a volunteer through one of your local shelters!

National Donut Day: June 7th

National Donut Day is on June 7th, and to honor this lovely holiday, Dunkin Donuts offers free donuts to its customers! Other donut shops like Krispy Kreme may also offer promotions too. Go and snag your favorite sweet treat, whether it’s chocolate frosted, Boston creme, or just plain vanilla with sprinkles!

National Best Friends Day: June 8th

Many holidays honor our biological or adoptive families, like Mother’s and Father’s Day, but no day is dedicated to our chosen family. Spend time with those you love and plan a fun morning breakfast, a midday adventure, or a nice evening dinner at a new restaurant! A fun activity for this holiday could be anything from sending a card or flowers to a faraway friend, going on a morning coffee run, or planning a brunch date at a local restaurant!

World Sea Turtle Day: June 16th

World Sea Turtle Day is celebrated on the birthday of the founding father of what we know as mainstream sea turtle biology! You can check out The Sea Turtle Conservancy down at the Florida Museum of Natural History for a day of celebrations, or check out your local aquarium for any events and promotions on June 16th to honor the importance of sea turtles! 

International Day of Yoga: June 21st

Whether you are an avid yoga lover or a newbie to this form of meditation and exercise, June 21st is the perfect time to stop by a local gym or yoga studio to see what yoga classes they might offer to acknowledge the holiday! If you can’t find an event near you, pick up a yoga mat, head outside, and watch one of the millions of yoga instruction videos on the internet.

National Food Truck Day: June 30th

Visit a participating food truck in your area for exclusive deals and promotions, while also appreciating the hard work many food truck owners put into their businesses. FoodTruckDay.org offers a special press release for the holiday where you can search and find food trucks in your area to support! Share your order on social media with the hashtag #NationalFoodTruckDay to show your support!

With the bustling mainstream holidays, we can tend to forget about the smaller celebrations that also deserve our appreciation. May and June are full of many niche and unique holidays to celebrate, although these are just a few. There are plenty of ways to celebrate niche holidays like Star Wars Day, International Yoga Day, and the many more holidays that fill May and June. Some of the more unique celebrations may not make the traditional calendar, but they are still worth celebrating!


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